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It combines incredibly light weight with the characteristic strength and function of a Thomson. Masterpiece seatposts weigh approximately 40 grams less than an Elite seatpost of the same size, while maintaining high strength and durability.

Thomson accomplishes this weight reduction by machining the seatpost all over; including the oval inner diameter. We are able to hold closer tolerances by machining than by extrusion alone. Machining all over an already beautiful design makes the Masterpiece Seatpost a work of art.

  • Long 1.614 inch (41mm) seat rail grip length. This helps prevent seat rail bending from impact loads
  • Infinite tilt adjustment minus 5° and plus 29°
  • Very low profile clamps means no seat interference as the swivel nuts are down between the seat rails
  • The designs and materials have passed extensive life and ultimate strength tests
  • Impact absorbing clamps - clamps, head, and assembly will spread and flex on impact to protect seat, rails, seatpost and rider
  • Adjustments can be made to the tilt of the seat without moving the seat forwards or backwards
  • Easy on seats - allows seat to survive heavy impact loads without bending rails

Thomson Masterpiece In Line Seatpost

Regular price $369.99

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It combines incredibly light weight with the characteristic strength and function of a Thomson. Masterpiece seatposts weigh approximately 40 grams less than an Elite seatpost of the same size, while maintaining high strength and durability.

Thomson accomplishes this weight reduction by machining the seatpost all over; including the oval inner diameter. We are able to hold closer tolerances by machining than by extrusion alone. Machining all over an already beautiful design makes the Masterpiece Seatpost a work of art.

  • Long 1.614 inch (41mm) seat rail grip length. This helps prevent seat rail bending from impact loads
  • Infinite tilt adjustment minus 5° and plus 29°
  • Very low profile clamps means no seat interference as the swivel nuts are down between the seat rails
  • The designs and materials have passed extensive life and ultimate strength tests
  • Impact absorbing clamps - clamps, head, and assembly will spread and flex on impact to protect seat, rails, seatpost and rider
  • Adjustments can be made to the tilt of the seat without moving the seat forwards or backwards
  • Easy on seats - allows seat to survive heavy impact loads without bending rails
Thomson Masterpiece In Line Seatpost


*excludes bikes, bulky items, dangerous goods.




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