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M-Wave Wicker Pet Basket with Cover
The M-Wave Bicycle Wicker Pet Basket is the perfect way to make sure your pet never has to be left behind. Your small four-legged friend can ride in style in the beautiful wicker basket. The wire steel lid secures with leather-style straps and allows your pet to feel the breeze and enjoy the sights of the adventure. The basket is just the right size, measuring 430 x 305 x 215mm. It also fastens securely to your seat post or even to your stem so you can keep an eye on them while you ride. For the occasions when your buddy isn't with you, it can double as a picnic basket or cargo basket. With the M-Wave Wicker Pet Basket you never have to journey alone!


  • Genuine handmade wicker basket for your small 4-legged friend
  • Wire dome top with buckles offers an unobstructed view to keep your little critter safe while giving them the opportunity to enjoy the ride
  • Can easily fasten to the seat tube or stem with the most secure hardware
  • The basket measures 430 x 305 x 215mm
  • Can double as a picnic basket when your buddy isn't with you
  • Max Load 5kg

M-Wave Wicker Pet Basket with Cover

Sale price $170.05
Regular price $179.00You saved$8.95 OFF

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M-Wave Wicker Pet Basket with Cover
The M-Wave Bicycle Wicker Pet Basket is the perfect way to make sure your pet never has to be left behind. Your small four-legged friend can ride in style in the beautiful wicker basket. The wire steel lid secures with leather-style straps and allows your pet to feel the breeze and enjoy the sights of the adventure. The basket is just the right size, measuring 430 x 305 x 215mm. It also fastens securely to your seat post or even to your stem so you can keep an eye on them while you ride. For the occasions when your buddy isn't with you, it can double as a picnic basket or cargo basket. With the M-Wave Wicker Pet Basket you never have to journey alone!


  • Genuine handmade wicker basket for your small 4-legged friend
  • Wire dome top with buckles offers an unobstructed view to keep your little critter safe while giving them the opportunity to enjoy the ride
  • Can easily fasten to the seat tube or stem with the most secure hardware
  • The basket measures 430 x 305 x 215mm
  • Can double as a picnic basket when your buddy isn't with you
  • Max Load 5kg
M-Wave Wicker Pet Basket with Cover
M-Wave Wicker Pet Basket with Cover


*excludes bikes, bulky items, dangerous goods.




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